To all Australians: Happy, happy Father's Day.
I hope everybody's having lots of fun.
Just days ago, we have lost a family member who was a father of four. We are all still coming to terms with what happened, so I almost totally missed on this holiday.
I was going to devote a post or two to it. Maybe next year.
I hope many fathers got their cufflinks with initials made with scrabble blocks or key chains with family pictures. Those seem to have been popular for some time now but I still find them great gifts for Dad.
There are so many great things we can say about fathers and their role in our lives. I wish I had my father with me for longer. He died many years ago, but I still think a lot about him and how much he influenced my personal development by just who he was.
Also, we should never forget that there are so many 'second fathers' on the world who embraced the role although we're not their children really.
God bless them all!
As a gift to all the fathers who have to exercise heaps of patience with growing children, here is one from Mark Twain:
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.